Reforming the EU – Waiting for Godot


by Frank

Greece’s former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis believes that the EU can be reformed, but one wonders whether he actually believes this. Greece’s former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis believes that the EU can be reformed, but one wonders whether he actually believes this.

There is a human tendency to cling on to cherished beliefs even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. There was a time, during the heady days of Jacques Delors and the Social Chapter, when the EU appeared to represent a social-democratic and neutral geopolitical bloc; a third force between the USSR as it then was and the US/NATO – this, however, is no longer the case. The EU has long since transmuted into part of an aggressive neo-liberal and neo-conservative imperial alliance under US command. The liberal, centre-left remainers such as Yanis Varoufakis seem to think that it is possible reverse this development and get the EU back to its original prototype, presumably by dint of political will. In view of historical developments this…

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